Saturday, August 25, 2007

Things kids do to amaze you

EN: Today, Rosa held her bottle by herself again for the first time. I say again because she used to do it when she was about 6 months old. She's now almost 11 months old, but why do it yourself when somebody else is doing it for you all the time, right? I guess I need to push her a little more... Sigh...

FR: Aujourd'hui Rosa a décide de tenir a nouveau son biberon toute seule. Je dis à nouveau parce qu'elle le faisait déjà quand elle avait 6 mois. Elle en a presque 11 maintenant... Il semblerait qu'il faut la pousser un peu plus celle la! ...soupir...

ES: Rosa decidió hoy de tomar su biberón solita, como lo hacía cuando tenía 6 meses. Tiene casi 11 meses ahora, pero por supuesto, ¿para qué preocuparse por sostener el biberón cuando mamá lo hace tan competentement?

We also discovered today that Cesar is really grasping the concept of multiple languages. He and Oscar play "taxi", where Oscar asks Cesar to run "errands" around the house for him on his little truck. One of his errands was to go ask Mommy if she wanted some milk. He came and asked "Mama, leche lait?" (translanted means mommy milk - he says it in spanish and french). I answered in french that no thank you I didn't want any right now but would tomorrow. He went back to his dad and told him in spanish "no gracias, manana" He actually translated himself what mommy said so that daddy would understand. Amazing!

FR: Nous avons aussi découvert aujourd'hui que César a compris que maman et papa ne parlaient pas la même langue. Papa lui a demandé de poser une question à maman, maman lui a répondu en français et César est retourné chez papa et lui a traduit la réponse de maman. Incroyable!

ES: Hemos descubrido hoy que Cesar entiende que mama y papa hablan diferentes idiomas. Papa le pregunto a Cesar de ir a ver a mama y de preguntar si quería leche. Mama respondió en francés que no gracias no hoy pero mañana si. Cesar se fue con papa y lo dijo a papa lo que mama había dicho pero en castellano, traducido perfectamente. ¡Increíble!

Reminder: do not let Cesar play with stickers around his sister anymore. Apparently when I went to pick up Oscar from work this evening, he decided it would be fun to put stickers on Rosa's legs, arms and on the carpet. End result? I have no idea how many she actually ate, but when I got home she had two stuck on her palate, one of which required the intervention of our wonderful neighbor Anne. For those of you who don't know her yet, she's the best Nurse Practitioner in the universe. We can't even count on our fingers anymore how many times she has come to our rescue, since we've been home and even when we were in Guatemala. Thank you, Anne! I don't know what we would do without you!

FR: ps: Ne pas laisser jouer César avec les étiquettes près de sa sœur. Apparemment il lui en a collé sur les bras et les jambes, elle en a mangé quelques uns et après on a dû lui en enlever deux qui étaient collés au palet!

ES: nota: no dejar Cesar jugar con las etiquetas porque le pone sobre el cuerpo de su hermanita, que le comen. ¡Tenia dos pegados en su boca!

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