Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Hi everyone! A few of you keep reminding me on a regular basis that I need to update the blog. I haven't done so in such a long time. It's just that we are always super busy, were all sick for a good month (sometimes it feels like it will never stop!), and just a little overwhelmed at the amount of pictures that we still haven't sorted through.

So what's changed in our lives? Well, I went back to work - still part time but I'm actually going in the office these days instead of working from home. Rosa and Cesar are both going to daycare and they love it! No crying in the mornings, smiles to the teachers when they get there, tons of friends. Just awesome. We were a little worried about Rosa since she was so attached to me but she's doing great. I know I have some pictures somewhere, I'll try to find them soon in the big stash.

In the meantime, here are a few that I was going to post... oh.... 4 months ago!

Cool glasses, no?

Very seriously playing with the computer...

Happy Birthday Abuelita Laila!

Looking at squirrels in the trees...

Aren't they cute?

Merry Christmas

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