Every one has been talking about how fast the kids are growing. It's absolutely incredible. Cesar is in day care all day and picked up so much english in the past few months that I can say at 3 1/2 he's already trilingual. You can ask him any common word and he will tell you how Mama says it (in French), how Papa says it (in Spanish) and how either our dear friend Lisa or his teacher Ms Margret says it (in English). Just amazing. Oh and by the way, his favorite word is "why" (in english)! Fun, fun, fun.
Rosa is growing up fast too! To us, she doesn't look like a baby anymore. She's wearing 2T clothes and some seem to be getting small already (she's only 20 months). She's picking up a lot of words and absolutely loves to play "catch me if you can" with her brother. Her favorite "word" is still "oh oh". As a typical almost two year old, she's into everything and is always happy to imitate me when I tell her no and wave my finger (with a huge smile on her little face by the way). Well, I discovered the other day that even though she doesn't say the word no (and we're hoping it won't come out of her mouth for a VERY long time), she definetely understands the meaning, even though she ignores it most of the time. This past Saturday was the proof. We had planned to go to the beach (yes, again, can't you tell we love it) and wanted to leave the house early. So at 7 am, I went in the kids bedrooms to wake them up - unusual since Rosa has been waking up anytime from 5:45 to 6:30 recently. When I leaned over the crib to wake up Rosa, she opened one eye, looked at me and with no smile on her cute sleepy face, she pointed her little finger at me and waved it saying no. I took it as "I want to sleep in today!". I wish I had the video camera in my hand then. Too cute!
Both Rosa and Cesar have their own separate personality - sometimes complete opposite and sometimes so similar - they really love each other and we love them with all our hearts!